Sonic Branding in a Sound On World

Sonic Branding With Sound

With smart technology, social audio apps, voice search, and the low touch economy booming, sound is 50% of the brand experience. Sonic branding is an essential part of all brand strategy.

What Does Sadness Sound Like?

emotional emojis

Music has the ability to make us happy and sad. What if the sound of sadness could be controlled to save us from suicide and depression?

Pandora and Sound Marketing

Pandora Logo

Pandora’s Studio Resonate is helping create a new form of audio advertising. With their data analytics, they’re creating thoughtful and relatable marketing.

Does Your Sound Fit Your Brand?

AMP Sound Branding

With sound, 6 seconds could be more than enough time to instill a Pavlovian response and create an earworm of sorts that the consumer unconsciously registers deep in their brain.

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